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Ms.Y Accounting Department
My motto
My motto is “curious and interesting”. I tend to avoid work that is not related and work that I am not good at, even though I think I am not good at it and it is impossible work. If I am interested in one thing, it will change my thinking in a positive way, and I can continue to keep my motivation.
The sense of accomplishment and happiness after entering Ogihara
I am not good at number work and I have avoided it, but I was assigned to work in the accounting department. Every day, I deal with numbers. I was impressed that my feelings towards numbers work have turned positive little by little. Because I was unfamiliar with these works, I feel happy that I can increasingly do new things. As the accounting people often say, we will be a little happy if the number fits perfectly.
A word of advice to people who want to work at Ogihara.
Up until now and from now on, I think that there are many things that I do not know and do not understand. But don’t be too pessimistic; this is an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge. There is a lot of opportunity in this company. Believe in your potential and do your best so that you can work positively and happily.

Mr.F Manufacturing Department

My motto
Self-continuour challenges is my motto. I understand the result of self-challenges every day.
The sense of accomplishment and happiness after entering Ogihara
By adjusting the drawing press, I can fix each bad appearance by hand. During working for the press tryout, I was able to evaluate my work by myself. As a result, I can understand how much my skills are going up.
A word of advice to people who want to work at Ogihara.
Safety first is company policy. Be sure to follow the rules when you work. Making the press can’t be done in a day. Don’t rush through learning each skill; you can become a full-fledged Ogihara man. Lets do it together.
Ms.M Sales Department
My motto
My motto is “Continuity is power”. I have been in charge of customers in China since my first year at the company. At first, I didn’t understand the technical terms of molds at all, so I had a lot of trouble with interpreting work on site and translating technical materials. ButEvery time I didn’t understand something, I was taught by the people in the field and senior employees, and I gradually learned it by gaining experience. I am still inexperienced, but I am working hard to be an able employee.
The sense of accomplishment and happiness after entering Ogihara
As a feature of the sales department, we receive direct evaluations of good and bad things as a point of contact for customers. Depending on the customer’s event plans, a single project may take a year or more before shipment. After the molds have been successfully shipped, I feel a sense of accomplishment and a sense of accomplishment when I receive direct compliments from customers or when they say, “I’m glad Mr. M was in charge of my work.”
A word of advice to people who want to work at Ogihara.
Ogihara has an environment where we can deal directly with major automobile manufacturers around the world. In addition, since it is a company with a long history, there are many experienced employees, and they are kind enough to consult with you about anything you do not understand. Let’s work together if you are interested in domestic and foreign automobiles, want to make use of foreign languages to be active globally, and want to take on new challenges.

Mr.T Production Engineering Department

My motto
I am working on a design. My main job is to design new press dies and check press die drawings. My motto is to be cheerful every day. In our job, we are always conscious of Q:Quality, C:Cost(cost), D:Delivery (schedule)). In addition to adhering to the customer’s specifications, we make structural suggestions in order to produce better press dies.
The sense of accomplishment and happiness after entering Ogihara
I am involved with the various automobile customers in Japan and overseas. I can see the working process from design to shipment press die. Also, I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. When I see the car that I made the parts for in town, I feel rewarded at work.
A word of advice to people who want to work at Ogihara..
You can get valuable experience through dealing with various customers’ automobile makers.